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Numatic HZC.390L-2 240v

The HZC390 is a specially designed machine engineered to meet legal requirements when working with high-risk, non-explosive, hazardous dusts and materials, such as asbestos. It provides a safe and convenient solution for tradesmen who occasionally come into contact with these substances. Equipped with a sealed and disposable HEPA H13 filter cartridge, the HZC390 ensures that all dust is safely contained, allowing users to change the filter whenever necessary. Its large rear wheels, folding pull-handle, and long cleaning-reach make it suitable for all-terrain use, including rough surfaces and stairs. The machine’s steel head ensures durability, capable of withstanding falls, drops, and other impacts common in professional trade environments. Powered by a long-life 1000W motor, the HZC390 delivers powerful and efficient results. After use, it can be neatly stored away and easily accessed when needed. The machine comes with a versatile AA16 accessory kit, ensuring it is ready for any job. There are two models available: the HZC390S with a short handle and the HZC390L with an extendable handle. It is important to note that local regulations, safety standards, and usage instructions must be followed to ensure complete safety and compliance with working with H-Class dusts and materials. Expert advice and thorough risk assessments should always be sought before use.

Customer Reviews

“Never let me down. Very knowledgeable about all aspects of the industry and willing to help in every department.”
Simon - Carpet Cleaning
“I have been using G Bradbury for all our cleaning and janitorial supplies for over 3 years now. Fantastic customer service and handy location close to the city centre so if we ever run out and need something urgently can nip to their trade counter to pick up whats needed.”
C Batty - Retail Shop