The WV570 and WVD570 are powerful and versatile cleaning machines that offer professional-grade performance in both wet and dry modes. Designed for portability without compromising on power, these models are perfect for larger cleaning tasks. Built with heavy-duty Structofoam construction, these machines are incredibly durable and feature user-friendly design elements. They can be used anywhere and offer quick and easy emptying of the collected debris. Switching between wet and dry modes is a breeze. Simply exchange the dry filter for a wet safety float valve and change the floor nozzle, or vice versa. This convenient feature allows for seamless transitions between different cleaning tasks. There are two options available: the WV570, a one-motored model, and the WVD570, a two-motored model. Both models come with the NuCable replaceable cable system as a standard feature, ensuring hassle-free cable management. Experience the remarkable design, construction, and performance of the WV570 and WVD570. These versatile cleaning machines are a must-have for any professional cleaning needs.